Position Summary
Tangentyere Council Aboriginal Corporation (TCAC) is a community controlled Public Benevolent Institution delivering human services and social enterprise activities for the benefit of Aboriginal people from the Alice Springs Town Camps, urban Alice Springs, and Central Australia.
This senior position has been jointly funded by the Northern Territory Government Department Families, Housing and Communities (TFHC), and the Warlpiri Education and Training Trust Advisory Committee (WETT AC) to work in partnership with community stakeholders in Willowra, Nyirrpi and Yuendumu to coordinate the development, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of both WETT AC activities, and the Community Youth Diversion Program.
The position will lead a team of CAYLUS Youth Workers to implement both programs, and work more broadly across the CAYLUS service area, responding to volatile substance use, and supporting regional youth service providers to develop their capacity to deliver diverse and innovative youth development programs to ... Click here to view more detail / apply for CAYLUS ? CAYLUS Youth Development Coordinator ? L7.1 PFT
Tangentyere Council Aboriginal Corporation (TCAC) is a community controlled Public Benevolent Institution delivering human services and social enterprise activities for the benefit of Aboriginal people from the Alice Springs Town Camps, urban Alice Springs, and Central Australia.
This senior position has been jointly funded by the Northern Territory Government Department Families, Housing and Communities (TFHC), and the Warlpiri Education and Training Trust Advisory Committee (WETT AC) to work in partnership with community stakeholders in Willowra, Nyirrpi and Yuendumu to coordinate the development, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of both WETT AC activities, and the Community Youth Diversion Program.
The position will lead a team of CAYLUS Youth Workers to implement both programs, and work more broadly across the CAYLUS service area, responding to volatile substance use, and supporting regional youth service providers to develop their capacity to deliver diverse and innovative youth development programs to ... Click here to view more detail / apply for CAYLUS ? CAYLUS Youth Development Coordinator ? L7.1 PFT